Monday, October 24, 2005


Okay, the unthinkable has happened - my blog has been spammed! For the past 2 days I've received email stating that someone has posted a comment on my blog. Eager to check out what's been said, I ran to log in, only to find spam mail! I mean, really! I realize a blog is public space but getting spammed with ads? I'm not sure how that happened but am curious to know if anyone else on Blogger is getting these - I deleted the first but have left the last 3 (two about working at home and one about the windows service pack 2 - which is not that at all)...I'm really not sure what to do about it. So if anyone's gotten spammed on their blogs, please let me know if you've done anything about it.


(and I do draw the line at spam being seen as anything social in computing...*g*)


batgrrl said...

Hi LIssa -
I got spammed too. Try this:
Blogger - Settings - Comments ..

Show word verification for comments? Yes.
Let me know if you need help.

Anonymous said...

Just got spammed a couple of days ago. I am concerned that it happened because I referred to an online m a t c h i n g service in one of my posts. I was saying they had fired an employee for blogging about her job and I wonder if that service spams people who refer to them. Don't know what to do about it either. Am on learningrocks though.

Nia said...
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Nia said...

Lissa, yes, I got spammed. Annoyed at first, but quite interesting to observe because it did not target my main page of my blog; it went to my art work section and additional resource section. I did not delete it. As for now I am monitoring it; observing patterns if any...