Thanks, Carmi, for this new thematic photography - Black and White photography is something I love to dabble in, and I did something with a photo a few years ago which I'm posting here. We'd gone to the Botanical Gardens, and I took a picture of Sam and some Lollypop Plants. I took the photo, washed it of color, and then tried a new technique I'd learned just that week, painting color in where I thought it would be most effective. It turned out, the plants were that color, and Sam was wearing the same color, so this picture worked beautifully.
Seeing how young he is here gave me a pang, too...they grow up SO fast...this was 6 years ago, and he was just 7 years old.
Thanks for letting me share!
I like the black and white versus the color. Great effect.
What a cutie and the pic is awesome.. really like that smile of his :-)
Mona, thanks - it's a technique I totally have to continue to play with, the colorization effect; I just need a few more hours in a day!
Lynne - thanks so much, he smiles even more now (despite braces and all). From the time he was 3 weeks old, he has been a smiler, and it's only one of his great qualities.
Nicely done!
excellent use of theme! love the contrast of ogange in the shirt and flowers...t
they do grow up fast...
This is how I truly like black and white photos with a splash of another color, it doesn't have to be much, but it just heightens the glow of the photo! Love it!
I love the way you edited this shot. Great! Please have a great weekend.
Love the shot, Lissa. More than that, I love the story behind the shot. You can see how much he was enjoying the experience. He smiles as much as he does because he has much to smile about.
There's a very Pleasantville-ish feel to this shot, and I find it incredibly soothing. Spot color makes us appreciate the full range of the spectrum so much more than we do when we're inundated with it from all sides. Less is more...I like it.
Lovely touch of one colour repeated through the monochrome! It holds the moment all together! Lovely!
Loving the effects. Looks great! :)
That's a really fun effect - glad I stopped by!
aw, cute shot. I like playing with selective color sometimes too.
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